Additional Fees Associated with Pro Se Summary Administration in Florida
You can save thousands by hiring a nonlawyer document preparation company like Pro Docs Plus that specializes in Florida Family Law, to guide you through the legal process as a self-represented litigant. However, there are still some additional fees for you to consider that are paid to separate entities.
Here's a breakdown of additional fees you may encounter:
Court Filing Fee: $235 - $349 (depending on the county). Paid directly to the court via their E-Portal.
Certified Copies of Court Documents: Typically between $4-$10 per certified copy of final documents. Paid directly to the court where the case was granted.
*These fees are subject to change. Please verify the current fees with your local court, county clerk's office or corresponding entities.
*In certain circumstances, you can request to be reimbursed legal expenses prior to any monetary asset distribution to multiple beneficiaries. This can include reimbursement for court filing fees, as well as nonlawyer document preparation services like ours, if applicable to your case.